What Patients Should Know About Your SRC Accreditation

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SRC accreditations recognize health care providers’ commitment to patient safety and delivering excellent care. We understand the significant time and effort our designees devote to achieving their accreditation. However, patients may be unfamiliar with how they benefit from choosing an SRC-accredited provider.

Here are four things your team should communicate to patients about your SRC accreditation:

1. Designees are reviewed by an independent & objective third party.
Each accredited provider is thoroughly inspected by SRC, a nonprofit patient safety organization. Their accreditation programs identify physicians and hospitals dedicated to patient safety and quality care.

2. SRC-accredited health care providers must adhere to strict standards.
Designees are evaluated to ensure compliance with strict standards, including proper equipment, patient education, treatment pathways and consultative services.

3. Patients can trust SRC's gold seal.
The requirements for SRC accreditation programs have been proven to improve outcomes and reduce the time pateints spend in the hospital. Patients can expect excellence from SRC-accredited providers.

4. SRC accredits individual providers.
Many accreditation programs accredit only the hospital, but SRC's programs are unique because they evaluate and recognize the individual providing the care.

Give your team the tools they need to easily discuss your accreditation and its benefits for your patients. Request posters and brochures to place in your waiting and exam rooms. These materials speak directly to your patient, educating them on the benefits of choosing an SRC-accredited provider. You can also contact the CARE Team to schedule a training webinar for your staff.

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