SRC-Accredited Provider Lovelace Hospital in Albuquerque Ranks Among Best Places in the U.S for Robotic Hernia Surgery

Albuquerque is one of the best places in the country for robotic hernia surgery. The program at Lovelace Women’s Hospital recently received an SRC accreditation, which is a huge accomplishment for their state. Dr. Leyba said he and his partner, Dr. Michael Blea are the first in the state to get this accreditation. Although he credits recent advancements in technology for his program’s success, he made it clear – the robot is not in charge. “It’s actually Dr. Leyba doing the surgery and I’m just utilizing the tool to get it done safely with, you know, benefits that the robot gives us,” Dr. Blea said.
Watch the news segment highlighting the robotic hernia surgery program at Lovelace Women’s Hospital. Lovelace Women’s Hospital holds three SRC Center of Excellence accreditations.