Robotic Surgery in Brazil: A Leader in the Field
In December 2012, Dr. Luiz Alfredo Vieira d’Almeida made history as the first surgeon to perform a robotic gastric bypass in the State of Rio. Today, Dr. d’Almeida stands at the forefront of robotic surgery in Brazil, earning multiple accreditations from SRC:
- Master Surgeon in Robotic Surgery
- Master Surgeon in Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
- Surgeon of Excellence in Robotic Surgery with Samaritano Botafogo and Hospital Samaritano Barra
- Surgeon of Excellence in Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery with Hospital Vitória Barra
- Surgeon of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Surgery with Samaritano Botafogo
Dr. d’Almeida’s passion for leveraging advanced technology to enhance patient outcomes has been a cornerstone of his career. He began performing laparoscopic procedures in 1991 and later honed his skills in robotic surgery at the Nicholson Center at Florida Hospital.
Since performing the robotic gastric bypass in 2012, Dr. d’Almeida has witnessed significant growth in the use of robotic technology in Brazil. His hospital now has two state-of-the-art robotic platforms and he has performed over a thousand robotic procedures.
A patient-centered approach is central to Dr. d’Almeida’s practice. “The doctor, and especially the surgeon, must understand the patient is the reason for our work,” he emphasizes. This philosophy is a driving force behind pursuing advancements in technology and refining clinical pathways.
Dr. d’Almeida’s commitment to continuous quality improvement and excellence aligns with SRC’s stringent requirements. To learn more about Dr. d’Almeida’s work, visit his practice here. If you are interested in pursuing accreditation in robotic surgery, contact SRC here.