SRC-Accredited Providers – August 9, 2024

Congratulations to this week’s accredited providers! Metropolitan General Hospital in Attiki, Greece Center of Excellence in Hernia Surgery since 2021 Surgeons of Excellence: Fotios Archontovasilis, MD, PhD has been an SRC-accredited Master Surgeon in Hernia Surgery since 2021. Dr. Archontovasilis uses minimally invasive techniques to treat his patients where he practices at Metropolitan General Hospital […]
Google It: Increasing Your Online Presence for Healthcare Providers through Effective Management of Google Reviews

While Google is not yet an acceptable Scrabble® word, (we’ve tried), the term ‘Google it’ has seemingly become a socially acceptable verb. With more consumers turning to the internet and social media to purchase products, services, and find healthcare providers, it is increasingly important for your organization or practice to have a strong digital presence […]