SRC-Accredited Providers Across the United States – January 16, 2024
Congratulations to the latest SRC-accredited providers from across the United States! Alexis Grucela, MD has achieved SRC accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Colorectal Surgery
Advance your robotics department with SRC’s fastest-growing accreditation program, Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery. Our experts will discuss everything you need to know about the program and will answer any and all questions you may have. We do have a limited number of spots available, so register today!
Established in 2003, SRC is a nonprofit, patient safety organization that develops and administers best-in-class accreditation programs for medical professionals, surgeons, hospitals and freestanding outpatient facilities throughout the world.
These programs improve the safety and quality of patient care and lower the overall costs associated with successful treatment. Data, provided by program participants, is used to determine which treatments achieve the best outcomes. This information enables clinicians, patients, payors and policymakers to make informed decisions that improve health care delivery.
SRC believes that even the best can improve. Excellence is not simply an achievement – it is a culture that must be sustained. SRC has performed thousands of inspections throughout the world and is in a unique position to provide the experience it has gained to those who wish to improve beyond their accreditation.
Inspectors are full-time employees of SRC. They are committed to helping facilities and medical professionals succeed in patient safety. Although rigorous and thorough, each inspection is a meaningful experience.
Once the inspection has been successfully completed, SRC will notify the applicants they have earned accreditation. If a candidate is not approved, they will be given the opportunity to correct any deficiencies and be reconsidered for accreditation.
Accreditation remains in place as long as the medical professional remains in good standing and in verifiable compliance with all current requirements and other program criteria. Although designees are evaluated periodically throughout their accreditation, inspections are performed every three years.
Congratulations to the latest SRC-accredited providers from across the United States! Alexis Grucela, MD has achieved SRC accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Colorectal Surgery
Congratulations to our latest SRC-accredited providers from across the globe! King Khalid National Guard Hospital in Jeddah, Mecca, Saudi Arabia has achieved accreditation as a
Congratulations to Maimonides Health Medical Center and its Master Surgeons! Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York , USA has been accredited as a Center